Winter Comp Team Nominations Now Closed
Players looking for a team, we have limited availability on some teams. Please register your details here; we will do our best to find you a spot.
What are the dates for Winter Comp?
Summer Comp begins at the start of Term 2, 2024 (week beginning Monday, 29th of April 2024) and concludes at the end of Term 3, 2024 (week ending Friday, 27th of September 2024).
Mondays | Tuesdays | Wednesdays | Thursdays |
Women Social Mixed Men* | Super 12s Men | High School | Miniball |
How do I nominate a team?
Each team needs a team manager (18 or older). Team managers can nominate their team here. The team nomination fee is $35. Once you have nominated a team, you will be provided with an email that will explain how you register players into your team.
When are the game fees due?
Game fees for junior competitions are charged on a per-player basis and are payable in two instalments. The first instalment of $130 is due at the start of Term 2. The second instalment of $130 is due at the start of Term 3.
Game fees for senior competitions are charged on a per-team basis and are payable in two instalments. The first instalment of $875 is due at the start of Term 2. The second instalment of $875 is due at the start of Term 3. It is the responsibility of the Team Manager to ensure team game fees are paid. Teams with unpaid game fees will not be able to take the court.
How many players does a team need?
Junior teams need at least seven players registered players. Junior teams can have up to ten registered players. We can help you find extra players if need be.
Senior teams need at least five players, although seven or more players are recommended. Teams can have up to twelve registered players.
All players need to be registered with their respective team before taking the court. Information on this procedure will be provided to team managers.
What division should I nominate my team in?
Super 12s Div 1 is aimed at our more skilful primary school players (most likely Year 6 kids), whereas Super 12s Div 2 is aimed at our junior players (typically Year 4 and Year 5 kids).
High School Div 1 is aimed at Year 10, 11 and 12 players, High School Div 2 Year 8 and 9, and High School Div 3 Year 7 and 8, although there are no hard and fast rules.
Please pick the division you think is appropriate, and we will re-grade after the first few weeks of play if we need to. Our goal is to ensure fair competition in all divisions.
What happens if we need to forfeit?
Notice should be given to the Competition Manager as soon as possible. Junior team managers, if you know of clashes with school events before the fixture is released, please email our Competition Manager so this can be considered when preparing the draw.
Senior teams will be required to pay a forfeit fine for any forfeits.
For further information on forfeits, please refer to Section 7 of the Competition By-Laws.
Do players need to wear uniforms?
Teams are required to be in uniform. Teams can organise their own team uniforms or purchase a Cessnock Basketball reversible singlet.
For further information on uniform requirements, please refer to Section 14 of the Competition By-Laws.
Do players need to register with BNSW?
Yes, annual registration with Cessnock Basketball and BNSW is compulsory for all players. Unregistered players are not covered by player insurance if they are injured. Players must have an up-to-date registration before taking the court. This will be strictly enforced.
Players can register/renew their Cessnock Basketball/BNSW membership here.
Do we help with Score Bench duty?
Each team needs to provide one person each game to help with Score Bench duty. For junior games, this is typically a parent. For senior games, a substitute player can perform Score Bench duty. The Team Manager should organise someone to help with Score Bench duty.
Can I register as an individual player?
Players typically register as a team, but we understand not everyone has a team to join. If you can’t find a team, please register here.
Our team needs more players. Can you help?
Our Competition Manager will be able to assist you – competitions@cessnockbasketball.com.au
I have a question that isn’t answered here. Can you help?
Please contact our Competition Manager for help – competitions@cessnockbasketball.com.au